After 3 years of Coronavirus, Economic downturns, War and general Apocalyptic stupidity, The Blissetts have finally made it back into the rehearsal studio. Unfortunately for us, and you, our material is now more relevant than ever. Gone is the dream of rainbows, fluffy unicorns and world peace, and now the fate of all humanity rests in the hands of five blokes who are old enough to know better, but have sworn to keep up the battle until every last bad guy has received a proper sonic kicking.

We performed our last gig in Nottingham at the end of November 2019 with our mate Ky from Brocker standing in for Andy on bass (Ky is now a full time Blissett, more on that below). We rarely gig between December and January due to Christmas and everyone being skint for January. We said our goodbyes to each other after the gig, fully expecting to get back together in the studio around February 2020.

Obviously, none of us expected a Worldwide Pandemic to follow and it seems like the shit has been hitting the fan worldwide on a daily basis ever since.

Which brings us to July 2023, and we're back in the rehearsal room getting ready for our triumphant return to the Down On The Farm Festival next month.

Down On The Farm Festival 2023


Due to tech problems with our website, we recently announced first on our Facebook page that we are confirmed to again open the 2023 'Down on the Farm' Festival at the Gwatkin Cider Farm in Herefordshire on Friday 11th August 2023.

Sticking with the DOTF tradition of always having a punk band open the preceedings of the 3 day festival, we are extremely chuffed to have been asked back to the festival, and even more chuffed to find out that we are a personal favourite of the legendary Cider making God, Denis Gwatkin himself!

As it's the 10th Anniversary, the bill has been put together consisting of the most popular bands to appear at the Festival previously....... and us.

Tickets are available now at £60 for a Weekend Ticket that includes camping, Day tickets are also available, but please check the Ticket website for availability.

Click here for the official ticket website

Did we mention that there's Gwatkin Cider?? Bloody loads of it!! ....and then some!!!! The best Cider you'll drink, bar none. Mine's a pint of Stoke Red.

See you at the bar!!



Probably the worst kept secret since lockdown, but we're extremely proud to announce the arrival of our new bassist Mr Ky Fawkes.

No stranger to The Blissetts, Ky has appeared onstage with us many times, mostly providing dual frontman shouting with Paul, but most recently (!?!? it was 3 years ago !?!?) at The Sumac Centre in Nottingham where he stood in for Andy on bass.

Ky is a fantastic bassist, guitarist and vocalist and he makes a fantastic addition to the band, espcially as his outlook on life is pretty much the same as the rest of us. Although he was in our mates Brocker, Ky first pricked up our ears with his previous outfit Toxins, if you can track down a copy of their 'Dissafector' EP it's well worth a listen!

We've been holding back from announcing Ky's arrival as we didn't think it was worth telling everyone and then not having any gigs to back it up, but now we have and here's Ky!!

Unfortunately, Andy decided to leave The Blissetts on a bosman free transfer to another band shortly after lockdown. Thank you Andy for your contribution over the years.

Photo by Michael Rees Photography
We did fuck all in 2022 so click here for the Old News from 2021>